Tuesday 26 June 2012

#5 " INSPIRED" ?

Do you ever wonder how creative people find their inspiration? If you do, then "Inspired" is a book for you. This a book about the creative process, it is written by Kiki Hartmann and Dorte Nielsen and is launched on 28th of October at Amsterdam, Netherlands. They have interviewed creative thinkers from a wide variety of disciplines and they asked them how and where they got their best ideas, what they surround themselves with and if they follow any kind of formula in the creative process.  Besides, the book has many more inspiring stories and stunning photos. After a briefly look at the photos that showed on the website, it inspire me a lot to think creatively. For example, Shoes, we can design our own shoes by painting different colours and even draw pictures that we are amazed on it.  I would like to try on customize a shoe for myself if i really got the time. :P

As a reader you get an insight into what actually inspires the world’s top creative people. 

Speaking of inspiration, this book is a the one.
Retrieved 26 June 2012, 
from: http://mocoloco.com/art/upload/2010/08/inspired_lead.jpg

Retrieved 26 June 2012, 

Saturday 16 June 2012

#4 Jellybirds Flying Around In The Club?

Recently, there's something creative and fresh product that flows into the market of night club called - "JELLYBIRD". Well, as a person that like clubbing a lot, i think this is a pretty creative idea that generates into the market of night club.  

JELLYBIRD is a jello shot is a shooter in which liquor, usually vodka, rum, tequila, or neutral grain spirit replaces some of the water or fruit juice that is used to congeal the gel. It was founded by friends who as avid party-goers are fickle about their booze. Somehow, the investor of jellybird sought to improve on and commercialize a popular drinking staple, the Jello-Shot. By using the finest natural flavors and premium quality spirits and it able to add a delicious alternative to every drinker's menu.

The JELLYBIRD shot blends low calorie Japanese 'Kanten' gelatin with designer alcohol to give party drinkers that ultimate buzz in tasty package. Each JELLYBIRD shot contains ONLY 20 calories and collagen which boosts skin elasticity. Its perfectly suits girls that are on diet isn't it?

Jellybirds are in the house! 

This brand new deadly product inspire me that in a business world, you can't always remain your foot steps and afraid of move forward. The world is changing rapid from time to time, we shouldn't stand still or hold what we are having now. 
"Look forward, Move forward"

Retrieved 16 June 2012,

Retrieved 16 June 2012,
from: http://www.google.com.my/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=685&tbm=isch&tbnid=TgIUxvKyS2LiFM:&imgrefurl=http://www.myfatpocket.com/miyake/official-jellybird-launched-at-powerhouse/&docid=BvGIpfW1bGUWhM&imgurl=http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6230/6324901379_6ceb1f7887.jpg&w=500&h=334&ei=-tLpT6XOEsLXrQf_2d2ZDg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=254&sig=110672428745713679636&page=1&tbnh=141&tbnw=188&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:79&tx=59&ty=12


If you haven’t heard of lomography, it’s time to educate yourself. Whether you are a seasoned photographer or a self-confessed newbie, everyone can be a lomographer. Lomography is a new take on an old style of analogue photography. It’s solid and vivid in colors and with a ring black border in general. Here’s a hand-picked high quality lomography from various sources.
This is what makes lomography so fun–and so frustrating. Lomo cameras are highly unpredictable–like it has a life of its own. That’s why most of the beautiful lomo photos are ‘happy accidents’.
In definition lomo means art of mistake. It all started out with a mistake, someone use an expired film couple with a fungus lens to shoot. It's impossible to trace back who started this trend, but whoever did it he/she is a genius! 
Mistakes are not something bad or negative. We can learn or gain experience and creative stuff like the lomography founder did. 
We must not say every mistake was a foolish one. 

Below are some examples of the LOMOGRAPHIC: 

Friday 8 June 2012


Football is my favorite sport. It's refers to a number of sports that involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal. The most popular of these sports worldwide is association football, more commonly known as just "football" or "soccer". 

However, most of the female in Malaysia define football as a "stupid" game because its like 22 person chasing a ball in the field for 90 minutes. In my opinion, football is a kind of sport that need of strength, agility, tactics, teamwork and etc. Its a combination of all the criteria above in order to win the game for the team. 

I represented my school's football team for 3 years during my secondary education life in Ipoh. I used to play as a full back or a defensive midfielder for my team. It's no an easy position to play with because its need a lots of stamina to cope with. During the 3 years time, I played against many different teams and different kind of style of players. Every players have their own style of playing way in the game.

Because of this, i have to think of another way to play up against them. 
By watching different footballer with different kind of their playing style inspired me think creatively on how i'm gonna play.. The player that inspired me to think and play creatively is Cristiano Ronaldo.  He is a creative person that surprise the world with his special movement against his opponent game by game. 

C.Ronaldo signature skills and tricks. 

On my playing position, my objective is solve out the threat that oppose by the opponent effectively and efficiently. In order to do that without any mistake, I usually searching out the way or tactics to stop these threats by watching short football video clips on YouTube and watch football match on television to seek for inspiration for my new creative moves. By doing this, it allows me to think of new way and create new football skills to go up against my opponents. In football, you can't always depend on the same skills or tactics to win you every single game. New tactics and skills are needed in order to proceed smoothly in the game of football. 



COLOUR is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, green, blue, and others.  COLOURS  do have an impact. For instance, blue is one of my favorite colour, it is shown to help with creative thinking. It’s believed this happens, because we associate the colour blue with relaxation, cloud-free skies, cool blue water and etc.

Different COLOURplay different effects on how people think, and how they act and it can play effects on the body as well as the mind. Besides that, COLOURS could affect a person emotion, by choosing the right color for an occasion is very important in how people perceive you and how you feel and this could lead to how a person thinks creatively. 

For example, when I'm stressed out and out of idea for my assignments. Literally, i walk out from my room in order to get some fresh air and look up to the blue sky to relax myself and seek for ideas. Its a really good idea to relax yourself and generates new ideas when you're in a different environment with different COLOURS

Retrieved 8 June 2012,