Friday 8 June 2012


COLOUR is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, green, blue, and others.  COLOURS  do have an impact. For instance, blue is one of my favorite colour, it is shown to help with creative thinking. It’s believed this happens, because we associate the colour blue with relaxation, cloud-free skies, cool blue water and etc.

Different COLOURplay different effects on how people think, and how they act and it can play effects on the body as well as the mind. Besides that, COLOURS could affect a person emotion, by choosing the right color for an occasion is very important in how people perceive you and how you feel and this could lead to how a person thinks creatively. 

For example, when I'm stressed out and out of idea for my assignments. Literally, i walk out from my room in order to get some fresh air and look up to the blue sky to relax myself and seek for ideas. Its a really good idea to relax yourself and generates new ideas when you're in a different environment with different COLOURS

Retrieved 8 June 2012, 

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