Thursday 9 August 2012

#10 Are you sure that's a Birthday Cake?

What is in your mind when you thinks of birthday cake?
A round shape cake with normal design?
A square shape cake with animation on it?

Not just that!
Nowadays, bakery shops are more and more creative. They have lots of design of 3D animation and they allowed customers to customize what they want their cake to to looks like. I am impressed with the 3D designed birthday cake which broken the rules of birthday cake that always be in the same design which is in square and circle shape for decades ago. Somehow, the 3D designed birthday cake does looks very attractive and i'm sure that you would not like to cut and eat the good looking cake on your birthday.

Here's some examples of 3D designed birthday cake: 
A DSLR design cake.

It's really looks like a toy robot more than a cake for me. 

A leopard as a pet for your birthday? Don't you think about it.
Retrieved 9 August,2012,

Retrieved 9 August,2012, 

Retrieved 9 August,2012, 

Retrieved 9 August,2012, 

Retrieved 9 August,2012, 

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