Thursday 9 August 2012

#9 3D Streets Painting/Art

Street painting, also commonly known as pavement artstreet art, and sidewalk art, is the performance art of rendering original and non-original artistic designs on pavement such as streets, sidewalks, and town squares with impermanent and semi-permanent materials such as chalk

The origins of modern street painting began in Britain. Pavement artists were found all over the UK and by 1890 it was estimated that over 500 artists were making a full time living from pavement art in London alone. The British term for Pavement artist is "screever". The term is derived from the writing, often Copperplate, that typically accompanied the works of pavement artists since the 1700s.
I found that the street art is kind of creative whereas no one will have the skills and creativeness to paint a 3D or non-3D painting in the public. Hopefully there will be 3D street art be found in Malaysia. Although i'm not good in arts, but arts had influenced me to be creative and in the world of arts, anything is possible. 
Here's some of the interesting street painting that globed around the world:  

Retrieved August 4, 2012,

Hot River. Retrieved August 4, 2012,


Underworld of Johnnie Walker, Manfred Stader. Retrieved August 4, 2012,


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