Monday 27 August 2012

#13 3D-Cube

It is almost comes to an end for my Y1S2 degree studies in UTAR PJ Campus. Well, The last assignment to complete for this semester is the 3D-Cube. Its quite a tough job for me to cope with as you knew that i'm really 'S*CK' in artwork. However, I'm looking forward to complete this critical challenge to earn a better marks and grade for this "Creative Thinking & Idea Generation" subject.
Perhaps an 'A'? A 'B' or a slightly lower grade of 'C' will be good enough for me. While, of course the higher grade the better! Hahaha. XD

The Pyramid of Giza, Egypt
For me, i have no idea what and where to seek inspiration for my 3D-Cube. While at last i chose to make my cube shape into a 3D Pyramid cube.
Because the Egyptian Pyramid is one of the place that i wanted to pay a visit badly and it is on my top of my vacation list. For me, the ancient Egyptian was truly amazing to built this humongous building without advance technology by using their own hand. However, there's rumors that the Pyramid is built by ALIEN!
Who knows by the way!

Stay tune for my 'to-be-done' 3D cube. 

The Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. Retrieved on 27 August 2012

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