Friday 31 August 2012

#14 What Do I Think About Creative Thinking & Idea Generation

Well, it's seem this is the last blog post for my project 1 for this Creative Thinking & Idea Generation. This time round, I'll round up what I've learnt and my opinion about this "Typical" subject. At first, i was thinking that did I went into the wrong class? Because when i saw the teaching plan and the assessments are fully designed for Graphic Design students. However, I found out that this subject isn't that bad because my lecturer and tutor explained that the artwork of our project is not that important compare to the content and idea that we apply on it. 

Creative? What is creative? In my opinion, there is no an exact definition of it and no people able to judge on others people idea. Maybe someone will buy your idea or some will ban your idea. It is quite neutral because its depends how people interpret the ideas. Undoubtedly, there's a lots of things that can influence a person to think creatively but its depend on the person willing to be creative or not.

The seeds of creativity live in everyone. Some individuals are fortunate that their sprouting imagination was nurtured and grown into strong creative thinking abilities. Creative people invent, imagine, problem-solve, create, and communicate in fresh, new ways. Every business requires creative thinkers in the form of scientists, engineers, medical researchers, technology innovators, business entrepreneurs, artists, performers, writers and illustrators, designers, inventors, educators and parents. Those with the ability to "think outside of the box" will lead the future and make special things happen. Now this is why creativity is important to our society and the globe. 

For the sufficient reason above, it is the best influence for "YOU" to think creatively and apply in your life! 

Creative Word Image. Retrieved on 1 September 2012,

Creative wonk. Retrieved on 1 September 2012,

Be creative. Retrieved on 1 September 2012,

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